Dan Koe – The Future Of Work Event

Module 1) Turn Yourself Into The Business & Start With Zero Dollars Turn your interests into your life’s work and vessel for self-actualization. Create an action plan to cultivate a high-value mindset and skillset. Choose a career path that best fits your personality and exactly what to do to reach your earning goals. Presented by…

Ezra Firestone – Smart Google Ads

WHAT YOU GET? In Smart Google Ads, you get 8 modules with 91 videos that combine in-depth strategy and step-by-step tutorials to help you leverage the wide-reaching power of Google. MODULE 1 Crucial Cornerstones Of Google Ads: ⊕ The Goal ⊕ “Why Your Business Needs to Beef Up Google Ads” ⊕ Demand Generation v. Capture…

Notion Startup OS

Startup OS is the fastest, easiest, and most organized way to plan, launch and grow your startup using Notion. Every template you’ll ever need +60 ready to use and easy to customize templates including Company Dashboard Customizable dashboard to help you stay focused on everything Business Model Canvas Easily customizable, ready-to-use business model canvas Value…

Clare Le Roy – The Complete Productivity System

What You Get: ✅ Daily Hub/Planner: Organise your tasks, schedule your day and never miss a deadline again. ✅ Content Planning System: Eliminate writer’s block and create consistent content like a pro. Perfect for planning, creating and publishing your weekly content. ✅ Meal Planning System: Plan weekly meals, browse nutritious recipes (or add your own)…

Traf – Framer Training

What You Get: Lifetime Updates 8 + Video Modules 4 + Hours of video Instant access Modules to level up your Framer game: INTRODUCTION: Course ovherview Meet your teacher Fremer vs. other tools Ïnterface walkthrough Pre-design checklist CORECONCEPTS: Type, graphics, and images Stack and grind-based layouts Positioning (relative, absolute, fixed) Element sizing (fixed, fill, auto)…

Justing Goff – The Ultimate Email Bundle

What You Get: Part 1: Mario’s Arsenal Of 21 Unique, “Forbidden Email” Frameworks That Give You An Unfair Advantage Over Competitors Part 2: Stefan Reveals How He Uses Claude To Pump Out Personalized Emails That Sound Exactly Like YOU You heard it… You’re not only getting 21 HIGH-CONVERTING AI email templates… We will also show…

Kieran Drew – Viral Inspiration Lab

What You Get: ince starting the Lab, I’ve personally handpicked over 3,000 pieces of content to build the best idea inspiration database online. Almost 1,000 people use it now. But it hasn’t been available directly for over 6 months. This weekend, I’m reopening access because I’m holding a live training on creativity and ‘big ideas’…

Jacob McMillen – Copywriter 2049

What You Get: The only AI copywriting training that teaches you how to combine AI technology AND human genius to become a profitable copywriter in a post-AI world. Learn the hybrid “cyborg” writing model that leading copywriters, marketers, and business owners are using to write better, faster, and more profitably than ever before. What you’ll…