Youri van Hofwegen – YouTube Search Automation

What You Get: MODULE 1: The Fundamental Phase MODULE 2: Ready for take off MODULE 3: The Blow Up Strategy MODULE 4: Make videos MODULE 5: the Burj Khalifa CTR MODULE 6: SEO Secrets MODULE 7: Create the Blow Up Effect MODULE 8: Steal my brain MODULE 9: Steal my Brain (again) MODULE 10: The … Read more

Montell Gordon – Agency Transmutation

What Is Agency Transmutation? Agency Transmutation is an expertly crafted, 6 -week long program that includes everything you could ever need in order to successfully scale your very own social media marketing agency even if you are a complete beginner and have zero past experience or sales abilities. The program comes with 37+ hours worth … Read more

Breakthrough Conversions Academy

What You Get: Module 1 The Fundamental Principles of Direct Response Copywriting In this foundational module, you’ll discover: The PUREST essence of copywriting nobody talks about today (and believe me, I’ve looked…) The “Promise-Believability” Matrix… a unique new way to look at persuading people to buy Why – in 95{e5e8175e72a2583d0d67710e655c2175cb5388feca5bffb6858da8ca33c2eac8} of cases – you aren’t … Read more

Tim Denning – Twitter Badassery

WHAT YOU GET? Getting Oriented Lesson 0 – Using Twitter (for Beginners)(7:01)START Lesson 1 – The Surprising Truth About Twitter (Part 1) Lesson 2 – The Surprising Truth About Twitter (Part 2) Lesson 3 – Is Twitter Blue Worth It? Lesson 4 – The Five-Point Profile (Part 1) Lesson 5 – The Five Point Profile … Read more

Geoff Cudd – AI Writing Course for Bloggers

What You Get: How to use AI to ramp up your content production without sacrificing quality How to edit content and avoid AI detectionand penalties from search engines Processes to create different types of AI content(blog posts, social media, product descriptions, etc.) Which tools are bestsuited for different content types Exactly how to use the … Read more

Landing Any Tech Sales Role

What You Get: Genesis: The Secret Sales Formula PART I – The Garden Of Eden: Building A Lead List Of Hypergrowth Sales Organization Step 0 – Prospecting Guidelines Step 1 – The Platter of Gold: Top 300 Sales organizations by Role & Salaries Step 2 – Obtain Referrals at Hypergrowth Organizations (Cold & Hot Leads) … Read more

Mike Warren – Deeds4Cash

What You Get? Here’s What Comes With Your Amazing Membership Package E – Manuals Professionally Mastered Audio Files The Virtual Assistant Course Downloadable Forms and Documents Digital Copy of Lead Generation Material ​3 weeks live training with Mike Warren

BITCOIN BRITS – The Crypto Course

Discover How to Make Recurring DAILY Passive Income Automatically With Crypto. All explained simply and step-by-step, with no geek speak or tech talk, guaranteed. This course will take you by the hand from the very beginning. Nothing is assumed! This is beginner-friendly. The purpose of this course is EDUCATION. By the end of this course, … Read more

CPA JACKER – Epic CPA Blueprint

Max Gilles, also known as CPA Jacker, is a successful affiliate marketer and entrepreneur who has gained significant recognition in the industry for his Epic CPA Blueprint program. The program is designed to teach individuals how to generate passive income through affiliate marketing, specifically focusing on Cost Per Action (CPA) marketing. CPA marketing involves promoting … Read more

John Thornhill – Ambassador Program

What You Get? A licence to my proven and tested high-ticket webinar funnel. The one I personally use to land $2,000 coaching clients. Tested and PROVEN. My “done for you” free report and high-converting opt-in page. It’s a shortcut to expert status… and I’ll show you how to use it to build an email list … Read more